There are electrical, mechanical and electronic sections included in the Krueger Load Moment System. The Electronic
section is solid state and modular design. It should only be serviced by authorized specialists.
The Operator himself should accept some responsibility beyond just "operating". He should make a daily walkaround
inspection of the crane. This inspection would include a check of the System. He should be alert for any evidence of
vandalism and damage before starting the crane. This Daily Inspection for damage should start at the boom and include
the following:
- Check entire length of boom length sensor rope.
- Check spring-loaded cable reel. Make sure it has spring tension and is free to rotate. Too much slack in rope can
cause a misleading transmission of boom length correction signal to the bridge amplifier circuit unit.
- Check Hydraulic Electronic.
- Check cab panel.
- Check roller switches between superstructure and chassis.
1000 Hours and/or Annual Inspection:
It is recommended that the system be inspected for accuracy at 1000 hours or annually which ever accurs first, or if it is
believed that the system has been damaged or there is proof of malfunction.
For calibration procedue, consult only anthorized specialists.
For cranes in storage all functions of the control panel should be tested every three months by using test weights.