TM 5-3810-300-24&P-3
Crankshaft Oil Seals 1.3.2
3. Drive the sleeve squarely on the shaft with oil
seal sleeve installer J 4194.
4. Wipe off any excess sealant.
5. Coat the outside diameter of the sleeve with
engine oil.
To remove a worn sleeve, peen the outside diameter
until the sleeve stretches sufficiently so it can be slipped
off the end of the crankshaft.
Oil Seals
Current oil seals are made of an oil resistant synthetic
rubber which is pre-lubricated with a special lubricant.
Do not remove this lubricant. Keep the sealing lip clean
and free from scratches. In addition, a plastic coating
which acts as a sealant has been applied to the outer
surface of the casing. Do not remove this coating.
Fig. 3. Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal
Install Crankshaft Front Oil Seal
housing is .008". The bore may be checked with a dial
1. If the oil seal is not pre-coated, apply a
indicator mounted on the end of the crankshaft in a
nonhardening sealant to the periphery of the
manner similar to the procedure for checking the
metal casing.
This check must be made with the flywheel housing in
2. Coat the lip of the new oil seal lightly with grease
place on the engine and the oil seal removed.
or vegetable shortening. Then position the seal
If the crankshaft rear oil seal surface is grooved
excessively, an oil seal spacer (Fig. 5) may be installed
between the counterbore in the flywheel housing and the
oil seal. The spacer changes the relative position of the
seal and establishes a new contact surface. However,
the spacer cannot be used with a double-lip type seal
since the grooves worn in the crankshaft are too close
together to permit repositioning of the seal.
When the oil seal spacer can no longer be used, an oil
seal sleeve (Fig. 5) may be installed on the crankshaft to
provide a replaceable wear surface at the point of
contact with the rear oil seal. The oil seal sleeve may be
used with either a single-lip or double-lip type oil seal; it
can also be used in conjunction with the seal spacer.
But an oversize oil seal must be used with the sleeve.
Install an oil seal sleeve as follows:
1. Stone the high spots from the oil seal contact
surface of the crankshaft.
2. Coat the area of the shaft where the sleeve will
be positioned with shellac or an equivalent
Fig. 4. Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Mounting