end of the operating shaft, Fig. 4, so the finished side of
the fork finger will rest against the thrust bearing when
5. Support the operating shaft and control housing in
an arbor press with the upper end of the operating shaft
resting on a steel block. Align the flat in the operating
fork with the flat on the operating shaft; then, place a
sleeve over the end of the shaft and rest it on the fork.
Bring the ram of the press down on the sleeve and press
the fork straight down and tight against the shoulder on
the shaft.
6. Tighten the fork set screw, if used.
7. Apply a good quality sealant around the periphery of
the expansion plug (Fig. 4) and press the plug into the
lower end of the control housing.
8. Place a lock washer and flat washer over the
retaining screw (32). Thread the screw in the control
housing to secure the operating shaft bearing (30).
9. Install the torsion spring (97) Fig.
Fig. 5 - Installing Needle Bearings in Governor Cover
differential lever (23) with special screw (94). Tighten the
screw securely.
on the throttle lever and under the ram of the press.
Align the slot in the cam with the pin in the throttle lever,
10. Refer to Fig. 1 and place the differential lever (23)
then press the lever down on the shaft until the hole in
over the pivot pin of the operating lever. Install a plain
the lever is in line with the hole in the shaft.
washer and spring retainer (25).
10. Insert the tapered pin in the hole in the lever, then
support the lever and cover assembly on a steel block
Assemble Governor Springs, Plungers, and
and drive the pin into place.
Adjusting Screws
11. Position the speed control lever on the throttle shaft
and tighten the retaining bolt.
1. Thread the idle speed adjusting screw into the
modulating spring adjusting screw; then, thread these
Assemble Governor Control Housing
two pieces into the high speed spring plunger (Fig. 6).
1. Place the washer (31), Fig. 1 over the short
finished end of the operating shaft (26). Start the
2. Install the modulating spring seat, the modulating
bearing (30) over the end of the shaft. Support the
spring, and the modulating spring plunger into the high
opposite end of the shaft on the bed of the press. Press
speed spring plunger. The spring seat shoulder must be
the bearing on the shaft tight against the washer with a
toward the spring.
sleeve which has the same diameter as the bearing inner
3. With the modulating spring seat, spring, and
2. With the pivot pin in the operating lever (27) up,
plunger installed in the high speed spring plunger, install
start the lever over the end of the shaft with the flat on
the retainer ring in the groove near the end of the high
shaft registering with the flat surface in the lever. Press
speed spring plunger. Be sure the ring is fully seated in
the lever on the shaft tight against the bearing (30).
the groove.
3. Lubricate the bearing and the operating shaft
bushing (40) in the housing with clean engine oil. Insert
4. Install the low speed spring seat, low speed spring
the lever and the operating shaft assembly in the control
and low speed spring cap into the high speed spring
plunger. The spring seat shoulder must be toward the
4. Position the operating fork (73) over the lower
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