TM 5-3810-300-24&P-3
Thoroughly clean the oil bath cleaner often enough to
prevent the oil from becoming excessively thick with
operation, then setting the service period to best suit the
sludge, and be sure to use the proper kind and quantity
requirements of the application.
of oil. Keep the oil at the level mark in the cup. In
replacing the cup, be sure it fits snugly to form a tight
Use the same viscosity and grade of oil that is used in
the engine crankcase. The oil level should not be above
that indicated on the air cleaner sump. If too much oil is
5. Where a rubber hose from the cleaner to the blower
used, it may be pulled through the element and into the
is employed, remove the hose connections and cement
engine, thus carrying the dirt into the cylinders and also
them in place.
Use a new hose and clamps, if
resulting in excessive speed.
necessary, to obtain an air-tight connection.
Air Cleaner Service
6. After servicing the air cleaner, remove the air inlet
housing and clean the accumulated dirt deposits from
To service the light duty air cleaner, loosen the wing bolt
the blower air inlet screen and the air inlet housing.
and remove the cleaner from the air inlet housing. The
Make sure all air intake passages and the air box are
cleaner may then be separated into two sections. The
kept clean.
upper section contains the metal-wool elements and the
lower section is made up of the oil sump, removable
7. Make a careful periodic inspection of the entire air
baffle, and the center tube.
system. Enough dust-laden air will pass through an
almost invisible crack to eventually cause serious
The upper shell and metal-wool elements may be
damage to. an engine.
cleaned by soaking the entire section in kerosene or fuel
oil. This will loosen the oil and dust in the elements and
No hard fast rule for servicing any air cleaner can be
facilitate flushing out the dirt. The oil should be emptied
given since it depends upon the type of cleaner, and air
from the sump, the baffle removed, and the sump and
conditions. A cleaner operating in severe dust conditions
baffle cleaned in kerosene or fuel oil to remove all
will require more frequent service than a cleaner
sediment. A lintless cloth should be pushed through the
operating in clean air. The most satisfactory service
center tube of the cleaner before the baffle is installed
period should be determined by frequently inspecting the
and the sump refilled to the oil level mark with clean
cleaners, under normal
engine oil. NEVER use cotton waste to wipe the center
Fig. 4 - Comparison of Air Cleaner Trays
PAGE 244