TM 5-3810-300-24&P-3
tube. Use the same viscosity and grade of oil that is
Check for dirt accumulation in the air cleaner center
used in the engine crankcase. All gaskets and sealing
tube. Remove the dirt by passing a lintless cloth through
surfaces should be checked and cleaned to ensure air-
the center tube. Some tubes have a restricted portion at
tight seals.
the lower end and care must be exercised not to damage
this end.
After the filter element has been thoroughly drained of
the flushing fluid, the cleaner should be assembled.
Check the oil sump for any dirt accumulation in both the
However, before installing the cleaner on the engine, the
inner and outer cups and clean if necessary.
air inlet housing and blower in-let screen should be
checked for the presence of dirt accumulations. If the
At some regular period of engine service, remove the
service period has been too long, or dust-laden air has
entire air cleaner from the engine and clean the fixed
been leaking past the seals, the inlet housing and screen
element. This can be done by passing a large quantity of
will be dirty. This will serve as a good check on the
clean solvent through the air outlet and down into the
fixed element. When clean, allow the element to dry
installing the cleaner (and its seal) on the inlet housing,
thoroughly before installing the cleaner.
be sure that the cleaner seats properly, then tighten the
wing bolt securely until the cleaner is rigidly mounted.
When all of the components have been cleaned, the
cleaner is ready for assembly. The removable screen
The air inlet hoods used on heavy-duty air cleaners are
should be installed and the oil sump should be filled with
not intended to do any cleaning. However, some dirt will
clean engine oil to the indicated level and installed on the
collect on the heavy screens and in the hood itself.
cleaner. Care should be exercised that all gaskets and
Therefore, it will be necessary to remove the hood
joints are tight. All connections from the cleaner to the
occasionally for cleaning by brushing or with compressed
engine should be checked for air leaks to prevent any air
by-passing the air cleaners.
When the oil sump is removed on some heavy-duty air
If it is found that unfiltered air is being admitted into the
cleaners, a tray type screen attached to the tube will be
engine through the duct work of an air cleaner
visible. It may be removed by loosening the wing nuts
installation, the following procedure may be used for
and rotating the tray so that it unlocks from the tube. On
finding air leaks in an air duct system. The air cleaning
other heavy duty models, the tray rests on the lip of the
system does not have to be dismantled, thus effecting a
inner oil cup of the sump and is not retained by wing
saving in time.
To make this check it is necessary that suitable plugs be
The efficiency of the tray type oil bath air cleaner can be
provided to block the air cleaner system inlet and outlet.
greatly reduced unless the fibrous material caught in the
The air cleaner inlet plug should contain a suitable air
tray is removed. It is extremely important that the tray be
connection and shut-off valve to maintain two pounds
cleaned regularly and properly.
pressure in the air duct system. The outlet plug need
only be of sufficient size to form a completely air-tight
If a tray is plugged with lint or dirt, (Fig. 4), wash the tray
seal at the outlet end of the system. Then check the
in a solvent or similar washing solution and blow out with
system as follows:
high velocity compressed air or steam. And even pattern
of light should be visible through the screens when a
1. Remove the air inlet hood.
clean tray is held up to the light, (Fig. 4). It may be
necessary, as a last resort, to burn off the lint. Extreme
2. Insert the plug (with the fitting for the air hose) in
care must be taken not to melt the galvanized coating in
the air cleaner inlet to form an air- tight seal.
the tray screens. Some trays have equally spaced holes
in the retaining baffle. Check to make sure that they are
3. Insert the other plug in the outlet end of the
clean and open.
system to form an air-tight seal.
It is advisable to have a spare tray on hand to replace
the tray that requires cleaning. Having an extra tray
4. Attach an air hose to the plug in the air cleaner
available makes for better servicing and the plugged tray
inlet and regulate the pressure not to exceed 2
can be cleaned thoroughly at
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