TM 5-3810-300-24&P-3
Exhaust Valve Clearance Adjustment 14.1
clearance is correct, the .013 " gage will pass freely
Exhaust Valve Clearance Adjustment (Hot Engine)
between the valve stem and the valve bridge adjusting
screw (spring-loaded bridge) or between the valve bridge
Maintaining normal engine operating temperature is
and the rocker arm pallet (unloaded bridge), but the
particularly important when making the final exhaust
.015" feeler gage will not pass through. Readjust the
valve clearance adjustment. If the engine is allowed to
push rod, if necessary.
cool before setting any of the valves, the clearance,
when running at full load, may become insufficient.
2. After the exhaust valve clearance has been adjusted,
check the fuel injector timing (Section 14.2).
1. With the engine at normal operating temperature
(160 C-185 F.), recheck the exhaust valve clearance
with feeler gage J 9708. At this time, if the valve
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