TM 5-3810-300-24&P-3
Start the engine and make a preliminary idle speed
setting by setting the speed at 385 rpm with the low
speed screw (43) and advancing the speed to 400
rpm by turning in the buffer screw (46)
the low speed lock nut (42).
Stop the engine.
Remove the governor control housing cover and
lever assembly.
Remove the cover gasket..
Disconnect the link rod between the differential
lever and injector control tube lever. Then, remove
the link through the governor.
Thread the buffer screw (46) outward 4 or 5 turns.
Loosen the cam adjusting screw lock nut (49).
Fig. 2 - Preliminary Adjustment of Low and
Remove the plugging screw (51) and use an Allen
High Speed Springs
wrench to loosen the cam lock screw (50)
approximately 1/8 turn to permit the cam to be
until the flats on the end of the high speed spring plunger
moved in and out without allowing it to turn in
(39) are fully exposed.
Loosen the modulating screw lock nut (40) and turn
Thread the cam adjusting screw (48) into the
the screw (41) out by hand until the modulating
housing until the screw extends 3/8" beyond the
plunger (57) may be moved back toward the high
lock nut when the nut is against the sleeve, Fig. 3.
speed plunger 1/16" before touching the spring.
Tighten the cam lock screw with the Allen wrench to
hold the cam in position until adjusted later.
Adjustment No. 1
Turn the screw (41) in by hand until resistance indicates
Start the engine and operate it between 600 and
the spring has forced the plunger forward to contact the
retainer ring (30). Repeat as necessary until sure that
the plunger is just contacting the ring with no tension on
NOTE: Governor to control tube link is removed and
the spring. Then, turn the modulating adjusting screw
engine speed must be
(41) in 1/3 of a turn (two flats). Lock the adjusting screw
in position with the lock nut (40).
CAUTION: The high speed plunger (39)
and the fuel modulating spring adjusting
screw (41) should both be held securely
in position with two wrenches when
tightening the fuel modulating adjusting
screw lock nut (40) to prevent the screw
and plunger relationship from being
No. 2-Low Speed Spring Gap Setting Preliminary
Reset the idle adjusting screw (43) to 2" projection
("A" in Fig 2) and replace the control housing cover.
Secure it with the two screws.
Fig. 3 Preliminary Adjustment of Modulating Cam
CAUTION: Be sure that the throttle shaft
pin is positioned between the torsion
spring (36) and the end of the differential
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