TM 5-3810-300-24&P-3
CAUTION: Do not set No. 1 or any
other rack too tight as this will produce
clearance between the cam and the
differential roller and will result in delay
and reduction of the fuel modulating
Holding the injector control tube lever for "feel", adjust
the remaining rack control couplings, Fig. 9. Adjust the
No. 2 rack control lever so that it has the same "feel" as
the No. 1 coupling. Repeat this procedure on all of the
remaining racks. That is, compare the No. 3 rack with
No. 1, etc., making certain no other injector is tighter
than No. 1.
No. 6-No-Load High Speed Setting
Preliminary Adjustment
Fig. 9 Adjusting No. 2 Rack to No. 1 Rack
Remove the temporarily installed cap screw, then
engine rpm at the tachometer; then, loosen the lock nut
install the control housing plug (9), with a gasket.
(42) and thread the idle adjusting screw (43) IN to
increase or OUT to decrease until 385 engine rpm is
Loosen the high speed adjusting screw lock nut, if
obtained, Fig. 11. Tighten the lock nut.
With the engine running at idle speed, thread the buffer
Install the valve rocker cover.
screw (46) in until the "surge" or "roll" of the engine just
disappears, but not higher than 400 rpm. Any variation
Adjustment No. 6
from this speed will affect fuel modulating action.
Start the engine and move the throttle lever toward the
Do not raise the engine speed more than 20 rpm with the
FULL-FUEL position while observing the tachometer.
buffer screw, otherwise it may not be possible to stop the
Avoid overspeeding the engine more than 100 rpm
engine. Hold the screw (46) and tighten the lock nut, Fig.
above the desired speed.
12. Stop and start the engine several times to be sure of
its stopping.
Turn the high speed adjusting screw (38) until the
desired no-load maximum speed is obtained with the
throttle lever in a wide open position, Fig. 10.
Lock the nut (37).
No. 7-Idle Speed and Buffer Screw Setting
Adjustment No. 7
With the engine running at idle speed, observe the
Figure 10 - Adjusting High Speed
Figure 8 - Adjusting No. 1 rack to Governor
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TM 5-3810-300-24&P-3