TM 5-3810-302-10
NEVER exceed the rated lift capacity shown on the load chart. Always check
the load chart to ensure the load to be lifted at the desired radius is within
the rated capacity of the crane.
N E V E R use the crane stability to determine capacity. It may be too late
when you find out.
Multiple crane lifts are not recommended. The use of more than one crane to
make a lift requires the ultimate in equipment, engineering, operating skill,
and lift coordination.
BUT, if it is necessary to perform a multi-crane lift, the operator shall be
responsible for assuring that the following minimum safety precautions are
S e c u r e the services of a qualified engineer to direct the operation.
Use one signal person and be sure he is qualified.
Coordinate lifting plans with the operator, engineer and signal person
prior to beginning the lift.
Use cranes and rigging of equal capabilities and use the same boom
length. Be certain cranes are of adequate lifting capacity.
Use outriggers on cranes so equipped.