TM 5-3810-302-10
The following checking and draining provisions are provided on SCAMP:
Method of
Method of
Drain Plug
Sight Gauge
Hydraulic Reservoir
Drain Plug
Fuel Tank
Panel Gauge
Drain Plug
Check Plug
Axle Differential Housings
Drain Plug
Dip Stick
Drain Plug
Dip Stick
Drain Plug
Check Plug
Pet Cock
Radiator Cap
Drain Plug
Radiator Cap
Engine Cooling Jacket
Drain Plug
Check Plug
Check and drain plugs to conform to SAE J-371
A regular frequency of lubrication must be established for all lubrication
points. Normally, this is based on component operating time. The most
efficient method of keeping track of lube requirements is to maintain a job
log indicating crane usage. The log must use the engine hourmeter and the
odometer to ensure coverage of lube points that will receive attention based
on their readings. Other lubrication requirements must be made on a time
basis, i.e. weekly, monthly, etc.
All oil levels are to be checked with the crane parked on a level surface in
transport position, and while the oil is cold, unless otherwise specified.
On plug type check points, the oil levels are to be at the bottom edge of the
check port.
On all hoists with a check plug in the drum, the fill plug shall be directly on
top of the hoist, and the check plug level.
All grease fittings are SAE STANDARD unless otherwise indicated. Grease
non-sea led fittings until grease is seen extruding from the fitting. One ounce
(28 grams) of MPG equals one pump on a standard one pound (0.45 kg)
grease gun.