7. Install a suitable eyebolt in two holes, in the slewing
ring, which are 180 degrees apart. Attach a suitable lifting
The slewing ring is basically large bearing upon which the
sling to these eyebolts, and lift the slewing ring from the
upper is mounted. The outer race of the slewing ring is
carbody. The slewing rim weighs approximately 1800 Ibs.
bolted to the upper, and the inner race is bolted to the car-
body. An internal ring gear, machined into the inner race,
REPAIRS. The slewing ring is not a repairable item. If the
mates with the swing pinion which projects downward
slewing ring is no longer serviceable, it must be replaced
from the vertical swing shaft. This arrangement allows the
with a new unit.
upper to rotate in a full circle, when the upper is driven by
the mechanic drive from the swing clutch to the vertical
swing shaft.
Any attempt to disassemble or repair the slew-
ing ring will void any warranty, expressed or
REMOVAL. To remove the stewing ring, proceed as follows
INSTALLATION. To install a new slewing ring, proceed as
1. Inspect and clean the tapped holes in both the carbody
Extreme caution must be exercised when re-
ring and the revolving frame with a suitable cleaning sol-
moving the slewing ring, as it is necessary to
vent, and blow the surface and holes dry with compressed
completely remove the upper from the car-
air. Clean the mating surfaces of the slewing ring, carbody,
body. Every precaution must be taken to pre-
and revolving frame with an oily rag.
vent the upper from falling or shifting while
lifting the upper and when the upper is off the
2. Install eyebolts in the new slewing ring in the same man-
ner as they were installed in the old slewing ring for re-
moval, and lift the new slewing ring onto the carbody. The
1. Move the machine onto firm, level ground, and block the
slewing ring weighs approximately 1800 Ibs.
crawlers so that it will not move while the upper is being re-
moved. Shutdown the engine and relieve all pressure in the
3. Position the slewing ring so that the word FRONT,
propel hydraulic system. Turn the propel brake "on".
stamped on the inner race, faces the front of the carbody
when the slewing ring is bolted to the carbody.
2. Tag and disconnect the hydraulic tubing, at the points
where the tubing is connected to the top of the swivel joint.
4. Position the slewing ring on the carbody ring so that the
Cap the tubing to prevent dirt from entering the system.
mounting holes line up.
3. Block or support the upper using a suitable lifting de-
5. Lubricate all 40 lower bolts with light oil (SAE 30) and
vice. Be sure the upper is blocked or supported adequately,
apply a never-seize type lubricant to the threads and un-
because the next step of these instructions is to remove the
dersides of bolt heads.
bolts which secure the upper to the slewing ring.
6. Check for possible gaps between the ring and the car-
4. Loosen the 36 bolts which secure the upper to the slew-
body. No gaps should exceed 0.005 inch.
ing ring from below the outer race and allow them to drop
7. Tighten two bolts, which are 180 degrees apart on the
onto the carbody.
center line of the carrier, to 150 ft-lbs. Tighten two other
5. Lift the upper until the revolving frame is above the top of
bolts which are 180 degrees apart and 90 degrees from the
the hydraulic swivel. Place the upper on suitable blocking
first two bolts, to 150 ft-lbs. Continue this cross-bolting pro-
away from the carbody.
cedure until all of the bolts have been torqued to 150 ft-lbs.
6. Remove the 40 bolts which secure the inner race of the
8. Repeat the cross tightening procedure but increase the
slewing ring to the carbody.