2. Install new back-up rings (15 and 17) and O-rings (16
6. Lubricate the lips of seal (01) and press into housing (04).
and 18) on piston (14).
7. Assemble the springs, discs, separators and pins into
housing (04).
Be careful not to damage O-rings or back-up
The rotating discs must be clean and dry. There
rings during piston installation.
should be no presence of oil on any lining material or
mating surfaces of the stationary discs. Worn or
3. Visually align the center of the cutouts in piston (14) with
heavily scored rotating discs must be replaced.
pin (09) holes in plate (19). Using a shop press, install the
piston into the plate. The depth of the piston installation into
8. Install packing (05) and plate (19) to housing (04). Se-
the plate is critical, do not exceed 0.120 inch for piston sur-
cure the assembly by torquingcapscrews (23) alternately to
75-85 ft-lbs.
INSTALLATION. To install the brake assembly, proceed as
1. Place a gasket (26) on each end of the brake assembly
and align the brake output shaft with the gear case input
shaft. Be sure the bleeder screw is in the vertical position.
2. Insert the four lubricated capscrews (3/4 inch) into
brake flange (04) and torque to 230 ft-lbs.
3. Insert the four lubricated capscrews (1/2 inch) through
the motor flange, the gasket, and into plate (19). Alter-
nately tighten the capscrews and torque to 65 ft-lbs.
4. Install bearing (24) into plate (19) and secure with ring
4. Attach the brake line and start the machine. Open the
bleed screw and operate the brake several times to allow
5. Press bearing (03) on shaft (08) and secure the assem-
any trapped air to escape. Tighten the bleed screw after all
air has escaped.
bly in housing (04) with ring (02).