Historical Records:
( 1 ) DA Form 2408, Equipment Logbook Assembly.
(2) DA Form 2408-5, Equipment Control Record.
( 3 ) DA Form 2408-9, Equipment Modification Record.
( 4 ) DA Form 2408-10, Equipment Component Register.
(5) DA Form 2408-14, Uncorrected Fault Record.
(6) DA Form 2408-20, Oil Analysis Log.
19. L u b r i c a t i o n : T o i n s u r e p r o p e r o p e r a t i o n o f t h i s m a c h i n e , a l l p o i n t s
requiring lubrication must be serviced with the correct lubricant, at the
proper time interval. All normal wear points which require lubrication are
shown in the lubrication chart, Appendix T.
Points not considered to be normal wear points (levers, linkages, pins
and so forth) should be lubricated with an oil can once a week. Use a few
drops of engine oil on each exposed pin or lever not equipped with grease
fittings to prevent rust and to provide the limited lubrication required.
The lubrication recommended in this manual
is based on operation of the machine for a
period not to exceed eight hours per day,
five days per week. If a machine is oper-
ated in excess of the above time per day
or week, lubrication schedules must be ad-
justed accordingly.
Initial factor fill of MPG is of the soap
base 12-Hydroxy Lithium Sterate type.
O t h e r soaP base greases are not always com-
patible. Various other soap base greases
m a y be used if experience by the purchaser
h a s shown these greases to be acceptible
for the application. The grease systems
must be thoroughly purged and the affected
p a r t s removed and cleaned before switching
f r o m a grease having one type of base to a
grease having a different soap base.
All attachment fittings, whether illustrated on the lubrication chart
o r n o t , m u s t be lubricated with GAA grease every 8 hours.