TM 5-3810-307-10
c. Swing the Hammer and the Leads to one side
g. Disconnect main hoist from Hammer.
of the Driving Head. (leaving Driving Head and
h. Install rear angle guide and hardware on
Adapter on ground), and lower leads vertically
to the ground. Lower boom down enough to
just stabilize the end of the leads at the lower
a. To remove the Lead Sections from Adapter
Plate attach auxiliary hoist line to the top lead
b. From each side remove all bolts, nuts, and
a. To remove the Hammer from the Pile Driver
washers, except # 6.
c. Loosen. but do not remove, Number 6 bolt
and nut on each side. Use guide ropes and per-
Hammer must always be placed on cribbing and
sonnel as needed.
never be allowed to lay directly on ground.
d. Lower lead sections onto cribbing.
b. Lower the Hammer onto cribbing. Drain fuel
e. Remove Number 6 bolt and nut from each
and oil from Hammer. Refer to Hammer TM.
side of the adapter plates and pivot downward.
Use rags and containers to catch oil.
c. Remove the Rear Angle Guides.
f. Remove the end cap bolts from each side of
d. Disconnect the auxiliary hoist cable from the
pivot shaft extension and remove and stow
starting device cable.
plates. Place end caps bolts and cap back onto
e. Attach two tag lines to Hammer to help
extension shaft and finger tight.
control sway.
g. Place hardware back in adapter plate holes
f. Let a small amount of slack into main hoist
and finger tighten, and stow adapter places.
line that's holding the Hammer.
Keep clear of hammer. It may sway or fall.
a. Remove all nuts and bolts from Lead Sections.
b. Separate the lead sections.
Driver Leads. Use Guide Ropes and Personnel
lead sections.
as Needed.
d. Inspect all equipment for serviceability, paint
damage, fatigue cracks, bent or broken sections,
f. Retract and raise boom while lowering the
hoist to keep Hammer in place and to leave
e. Locate adapter plates previously removed
enough slack in main hoist line to "lay" Ham-
and store with lead sections.
mer down.
L-15 C-1