Page 11
Assemble oil filter and tighten
20 to 25 Lbs.Ft. [27.2.33,8 m]
All lead in chamfers for oil seals, piston
Teflon seals must be sized prior to assy.
rings, and ~
rings must be smooth and
free from burrs. Inspect at assembly
Must be loose internal fit bearing with a
Lubricate all piston nng grooves and
No. 3 etched on the beanng.
`0 rings with oil before assembly.
Apply a thin coating of grease between
10-outer steel plates. 10-inner paper plates.
seal lips on lip type seals prior to assembly.
Alternately assemble, starting with
Apply a very light coat of Permatex No. 2 to
outer steel plate.
0.0. pf all Oil seals and bore plugs before assy.
Apply a light coat of Loctite No. 92
B-outer steel plates, 6-inner paper plates.
to all plug threads.
Alternately assemble, starting with
Apply a light coat of Permatex No. 2 to
Duter steel plate.
all thru hole stud thresos.
2-outer steel plates. 1 2-inner paper plates.
After assembly of parts using Loctite or
~itrriately ssemble, starting With
Permatex. there must not be any free
~utersteel plate.
or excess material which might enter
the oil circuit.
flghten 200 to 250 Lbs.Ft [271.2-338.Nm]
Specisi bearing loading notches
opposite snap nng.
Bend lock tabs after tightening
Tighten 0.1 screen assy
10 to 15 Lbs.Ft. ~13,6-20,3'ml
Forward. Forward High and Reverse Clutch Springs-
Concave side of first Belleville spring
to be placed against clutch piston
Eniarged view of Sisior support
Remaining six springs of each clutch to
piston ring expander
be stacked ahtarnatelv rmreaii me
Expander gap to be
soorox SO iron ring hoot
loini tO aid assembiy
Shim output shari o.anngs to
produce 6 to 8 Lbs. in. [0,68-0,90 -rn] pro load.
clean mounting surfaces and tapped
holes With solvent. Dry thoroughly,
being certain tapped holes are
dry and clean. Se text for proper installation.
Assembly of stator support to converter
housing must be completed within a 15
Tighten 200-250 Lbs. Ft. [271,2-338.NmJ
and stake nut securely into shaft notch.
minute period from start of screw
instailation. The special screw is to be
used for one installation only. if screw
Stator support screw assembly: (Vlew"S~)
is removed for any reason, it must be
replaced. The Loctite left in thO holes
1. clean stator support mounting surface and
must be removed with the proper tap
tapped holes with solvent. Dry thoroughly,
being certain tapped holes are clean and dry.
and cleaned with solvent. Dry hole
thoroughly and use a new screw for
2 install 6 special stator support scr~. Tighte.
scr~ 12 to 16 Lbs Ft. [16,3-21NmJ torquE
See Caution
General Assembly Instructions (Sheet 2 of 3)