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The reservoirs are storage tanks that function to pro-
Standard Air Brake Reservoir Test Code and Inspec-
vide a volume of compressed air for braking which
tion Procedure SAE J-10-a. They are made from
must be adequate in relation to the volume used by
sheet steel, with stamped heads and rolled shells.
the brakes and auxiliary devices. In addition, the first
The seams are electrically welded and each reservoir
system reservoir provides a location in the system
is internally coated for corrosion resistance. Each
where the air heated by compression may be cooled
reservoir is tested at 300 psi (2068.5 kPa/20.68 bar)
and any additional water vapor not removed by the air
hydrostatic pressure.
dryer may condense.
The reservoirs are built in accordance with SAE
are not economical or practical. If a reservoir has
been damaged so as to be unfit for use, it is most
economical to replace it with a new one.
Minor repairs to the reservoir consist of examining
In exceptional cases where the outside of a reservoir
the reservoir mounting and the inspection of the out-
has become excessively coated with sludge which
side for corrosion or damage. The outside should be
cannot be drained off, it is sometimes advisable to
kept painted to prevent the possibility of corrosion
remove it and clean with a solvent, steam or water. If
causing a failure.
a solvent is used to clean the reservoir, the reservoir
should be thoroughly aerated before reinstalling.
Except in unusual cases, major repairs on reservoirs