Manifold Gauge Set Readings
Repair Procedure:
After you locate the defective component contain-
ing the restriction, recover all of the refrigerant.
Replace the defective component and the receiver-
drier. Evacuate and recharge the system with re-
frigerant, then check AC operation and perfor-
Compressor Malfunction
Figure 8-12
Gauge reading, compressor
The compressor may be noisy when it operates.
Defective reed valves or other compressor compo-
nents. If the compressor is not noisy, there may be
a worn or loose compressor clutch drive belt.
Repair Procedure:
If you find the belt worn or loose, replace or tighten
it and recheck system performance and gauge
you must isolate (front seat the stem type compres-
sor service valves) and recover refrigerant, or fully
recover R-12 from systems containing Schrader
valves. Remove the compressor cylinder head and
check the appearance of the reed valve plate as-
sembly. If defective, replace the valve plate and
install with new gaskets, or replace the compres-
sor assembly.