TM 5-3810-307-24-2-2
Drill Motor, 3mm [1/8 inch] drill bit, Slide Hammer,
No. 10 Sheet Metal screw.
Drill a 3mm [1/8 inch] hole and use a slide hammer
equipped with a No. 10 sheet metal screw to remove
expansion plugs.
Remove the expansion plugs from the oil passages.
Punch, Visegrips, Hammer
Remove the large expansion plugs (58.06 mm [2.29
in.]) from the coolant passages.
Care should be taken not to drive the expansion plug
into the water jacket, especially the plug on the end of
the block.
Service Tip: If it becomes apparent the cup plug is not
going to pivot in the bore, use a center punch to catch
the edge of the cup plug and pry against the block to
pivot the plug out.
Hammer, Punch
Remove the small expansion plugs (25.07 mm [1 in.])
by driving the plugs into the water jacket.
Retrieve the plugs through the water passages in the
top of the block.