TM 55-381O-O1-165-14
Section I. GENERAL
Overseas, theater regulations govern such move-
5-1. Scope
This chapter provides highway transportability guid-
ance for movement of the 7-ton rough-terrain
crane. It covers the physical characteristics and
Do not allow the crane to exceed 3 mph dur-
safety considerations. It also prescribes the materials
ing loading or unloading operations
required to prepare, load, tie down, and unload the
5-3. General
The crane is transportable under its own power for
5-2. Safety
limited highway movement in CONUS and in over-
seas areas. It has an operating range of 200 miles
Besides the safety precautions in chapter 3, move-
(321 km) and a maximum speed of 22 mph (35.39 km/
ment of the crane is subject to all safety laws, rules,
and regulations applicable to commercial carriers.
b. Set the handbrake when the crane is placed in
5-4. Transport on Semitrailer
the tiedown position. Also, place the gearshift lever
The 7-ton rough-terrain crane is transportable by
in the neutral position.
semitrailer. Self-propelled movement over public
highways in CONUS and overseas should be made
c. Retract the boom and lower it to the travel posi-
only when no other transport means are available or
practical. Either military or commercial semitrailers
d. Use the link in the tool box to connect the hook
of adequate capacity are suitable for highway ship-
block to the bumper loop.
ments. Transport of the crane by an M915/M127A2C
military truck-tractor/semitrailer combination
exceeds the legal width for 36 of the 51 States
(including the District of Columbia). However, the
When securing the hook block to the front
width is within permit limits, thereby requiring only
bumper, apply only enough tension to take
routine permits for highway transport. Overseas, the
up the slack.
cranes exceed legal limits for highway transport in
e. With the winch, take up the slack in the cable.
Africa; North, Central, and South America; Europe;
f. Wire the socket down to prevent the cable from
Asia; Middle East; and Oceania. Transport by the
loosening on the winch drum.
M931A1/M871 tractor-trailer/semitrailer combination
g. Band the tool and battery boxes lids.
will result in restrictions similar to those for the
h. Fold the side mirrors in and secure.
M915/M127A2C tractor-trailer/semitrailer combina-
i. Place fuel shutoff switch on the rear cab wall in
tion above. Procedures for obtaining permits in
the off position for transport.
CONUS are given in AR 55-162. For legal limits in
j. Secure all loose gear with nylon cord or a suita-
overseas countries, use Limits of Motor Sizes and
ble substitute.
Weights, published by International Road Federa-
tion, 1023 Washington Building, Washington, DC
5-6. Loading on Semitrailers
5-5. Preparation of the 7-Ton Crane
Use a 25,000-pound-capacity or larger semitrailer for
Preparation of the crane for transport includes the
5-2 show a tiedown diagram for the 7-ton crane
following procedures:
that is compatible with standard loading practices.
a. Place the crane in the tiedown position on a
Table 5-1 shows the
bill of materials
for blocking and
semitrailer by using an appropriate size crane, or by
tying down the crane on a semitrailer. Refer to table
driving or towing it, provided a suitable ramp or
5-2 for data on the
application of
these materials.
bridge-is available.