TM 10-1670-298-20&P
Make a ½-inch (1.270 cm) foldback on each raw edge Pin and baste each foldback to complete the
prepared hole. Basting will be performed using the procedures in paragraph 2.8.d
Using the same type material as in the original construction, mark and cut a patch 2 ½-inches (6.350 cm)
wider and longer than the inside measurements of the prepared hole.
Center the patch material over the prepared hole and pin the patch material in position.
Make a ½-inch (1.270 cm) foldunder on each edge of the patch material and baste the patch to the
prepared area. Basting will be performed using the procedures in paragraph 2.8 d.
Remove the pushpins securing the item to the repair table and secure the patch by stitching, using the
applicable details in Figure 2-4 and the stitching specifics outlined in Table 2-3. Make the first row of
stitching completely around the patch. Turn the item over and make a second row of stitching around
the prepared hole. Stitching will be performed In accordance with paragraph 2.8.e.
If applicable, restencil informational data or gore number according to procedures in paragraph 2.8 c
Splicing Procedures. Splicing Is a procedure used to repair lengths of cord, tape, or webbing on airdrop
items. For clarity, the term "splicing" as used in airdrop equipment publications refers to procedures such as
drawing a cord length end into a cord length body, laying a cord length alongside another cord length, or the
placing of a length of tape or webbing lengthwise over another length of tape or webbing. In most instances,
a splicing procedure is completed by securing the cord, tape, or webbing, as applicable, with stitching.
Parachute Connector Link Assemblies. The three types of parachute connector link assemblies used on
airdrop equipment are the L-bar, U-bar, and quick-fit (Figure 2-5). The L-bar connector link is the most
common of the three link assemblies and has no restrictions on use. However, the U-bar and quick-fit
connector link assemblies do have limited application for use of US Army airdrop equipment. The U-bar
connector link assembly will only be used on cargo type airdrop items, which includes cargo parachutes. The
quick-fit connector link assembly is limited for use on emergency-type personnel parachutes only. A
damaged parachute connector link assembly will be repaired or replaced using the following procedures, as
(1) Repair.
Cleaning. Remove burrs, rough spots, rust, or corrosion from a parachute connector link assembly
by either filing with a metal file (Item 6, Appendix E) or buffing with a crocus cloth (Item 3,
Appendix E).
Replacing a Locking Screw. Replace a damaged or missing locking screw on a parachute
connector link with a serviceable item from stock.