the side of the window opening.
soon as the seal is completely broken.
Fit the narrow edge of the rubber channel
(4) To remove front window, repeat (1)
over the edge of the door panel and
through (3) above.
continue the strip around the window
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
opening and back to the starting point with
(1) Clean the edges of the window panel with
a 1/4 inch overlap.
an approved cleaning solvent.
Place the ends of the rubber channel
(2) Inspect the rubber channel for weather
together and press into place to obtain a
cracks and other damage.
tight, smooth joint.
defective rubber channel.
Start the door glass in one of the lower
(3) Inspect the panels for dents, bends, and
corners of the rubber channel. Use the
other damage. Repair or replace as
straight end of the rubber channel tool to
lift the channel, allowing the glass panel
(4) Replace all cracked or broken glass.
to slip into position.
c. Installation.
Insert the hooked end of the rubber
Figure 125. Boom angle indicator assembly.
AGO 6819A