514. General
(2) Inspect the lower face of the diaphragm
The purpose of the carrier quick release valve
which contacts the exhaust port seat in the
assembly is to reduce the time required to release the
cover for pits and grooves. Replace a
brakes by hastening the exhaust of air pressure from the
defective diaphragm as necessary.
brake chambers. The valve consists of a body containing
b. Inspection and Repair.
a spring loaded diaphragm so arranged as to permit air
(1) Inspect the diaphragm for cracks, breaks,
pressure to flow through the valve in one direction, but
punctures, and wear.
when the supply pressure is reduced, the air which has
(2) Inspect the lower face of the diaphragm
passed through the valve is permitted to escape through
which contacts the exhaust port seat in the
the exhaust port.
cover for pits and grooves. Replace a
defective diaphragm as necessary.
515. Carrier Air Brake Quick Release Valve Removal
(3) Inspect the body for cracks, breaks,
and Disassembly
stripped, or damaged threads, and other
a. Removal. Remove the carrier air brake quick
damage. Replace a defective body.
(4) Inspect the spring and spring seat for
b. Disassembly. Disassemble the carrier air brake
cracks, breaks, bends, and other damage.
quick release valve in numerical sequence as illustrated
on figure 253.
517. Carrier Air Brake Quick Release Valve
Reassembly and Installation
516. Carrier Air Brake Quick Release Valve Cleaning,
a. Reassembly. Reassemble the carrier air brake
Inspection, and Repair.
quick release valve in the reverse of the numerical
a. Cleaning.
sequence as illustrated on figure 253.
(1) Clean all metal parts in an approved
b. Installation. Install the carrier air brake quick
cleaning solvent; dry thoroughly.
518. General
a. Removal. Remove the carrier trailer brake valve
The carrier trailer brake valve is a Bendix Westinghouse
from the crane carrier.
type TC brake valve. It consists essentially of a piston
b. Disassembly.
Disassemble the carrier trailer
which divides the interior of the valve into two separate
brake valve in the numerical sequence as instructed on
chambers. The chamber above the piston is always open
to the atmospheric pressure, while the lower chamber
may or may not be subject to air system pressure. The
520. Carrier Trailer Brake Valve Cleaning, Inspection,
position of the piston is determined by the position of the
and Repair
operating handle. The nonrigid connection between the
a. Cleaning.
piston and handle, through a spring, automatically
(1) Clean all metal parts with an approved
maintains a selected pressure to the trailer brakes.
cleaning solvent.
519. Carrier Trailer Brake Valve Removal and
AGO 6819A