TM 5-3810-231-12
Figure 20. V-belt adjustments.
(3) Install pendant line, equalizer assembly
(3) The number of parts of the line used to
reeve the hoist line will determine the load
which may be lifted by the machine.
c. Crane Boom Removal.
Reverse procedure
Consult the Rating Plate mounted in the
instructions for installation above.
machine for the maximum loads which
d. Cable Reeving.
may be lifted with two, four, six, seven or
(1) Remove cable in proper manner.
eight parts of line reeved on the bottom
gantry guide sheave and forward of the
e. Crane Boom Jib.
boom hoist drum so that it will wrap
(1) When installing the jib on the crane boom,
around the drum from front to the rear.
The planetary system inside the boom
suspension cables. The length of the jib
hoist drum makes this opposite reeving
suspension cables should be adjusted so
necessary since the planetary causes the
that the jib, when loaded, does not deflect
boom hoist drum to rotate in the opposite
more than 15 degrees after the load is
direction from the secondary hoist drum.