TM 5-3810-231-12
Screen overlap should not be over
inlet orifice.
d. Installation.
e. Adjustment.
Injectors should be adjusted before
(1) Bar engine in direction of rotation until "1-
in line with timing mark on gear case
cover. In this position both intake and
exhaust valves will be closed for No. 1
(2) Turn adjusting screw down until plunger
contacts cup and advance an additional
15 degrees to squeeze oil from cup.
Do not use drills, wires or other
(3) Loosen adjusting screw one turn; then,
instruments when cleaning cups.
using a torque wrench calibrated in inch-
(4) Replace a defective or damaged injector.
pounds and a screw driver adapter,
(5) Replace screen and circlip.
tighten adjusting screw to 48 in./lbs. (cold
or warm setting) or 60 in./lbs. (hot setting)
and tighten lock nut to 70/80 foot-pounds
A-Fuel tank removal and installation
Figure 28. Fuel tanks, lines, and fittings, removal and installation.