TM 53810-288-12
Cable, throttle control
10. Clamp, cable
19. Rod end
Nut, jam
11. Screw
20. Rod, accelerator pedal
Dash panel
12. Rod end
21. Accelerator pedal
Nut, jam
13. Washer lock
22. Washer
14. Nut, jam
23. Pin, cotter
15. Nut
24. Capscrew
16. Rod, throttle control
25. Washer
Bracket, clamp
17. Nut, jam
26. Washer, lock
18. Washer, lock
27. Nut
Figure 7-18. Accelerator and throttle control, removal, replacement, and repair.
7-41. Engine Electrical System
a. General. This machine has a 24 volt, nega-tive
and replacing the components of the carrier
ground electrical system. Refer to figure 5-2 for a view
ignition system.
of the electrical system schematic diagram. The system
g. Slave Cable Receptacle. The carrier
consists of two 12 volt batteries, starting motor, an
save cable receptacle is identical to the upper
alternator with an internal voltage regulator, and minor
components as shown in the schematic diagram.
replace a faulty slave cable receptacle.
Always disconnect battery cables
before working on electrical components.
h. Lights. The replacement and repair of
all the lights on the machine is covered in
b. Batteries and Cables. The carrier batteries and
cables are identical to the upper batteries and cables.
i. Horn Button.
replacing, and repairing the carrier batteries and cables.
move the horn button as follows:
c. Alternator. The carrier alternator is identical to
(a) Twist the horn button and
emblem plate counterclockwise.
contact cup and spring. Remove the screws in
and test, replace, and adjust the alternator and drive
the base plate assembly and remove the plate.
(b) Remove wheel nut and wheel.
Care-fully pull the horn contact roller assembly
d. Reverse Polarity Relay. The carrier reverse
out of the steering column.
polarity relay is identical to the upper reverse polarity
relay, and the method of testing and replacing the relay
replace the horn button as follows:
replace the carrier re-verse polarity relay.
Insert the wire on the horn
contact roller assembly through opening in turn
e. Starting Motor and Solenoid. The carrier starting
signal housing and down through wire trough in
motor and solenoid are identical to the upper starting
jacket tube. Press horn contact roller assembly
motor and solenoid, with the exception of the size of the
into turn signal housing.
carrier starting motor. The carrier starting motor is
Install wheel and wheel nut.
larger. The method of testing, removing, and replacing
Torque the wheel nut to 55-65 foot pounds.
the carrier starting motor and solenoid is identical to the
Assemble the spring, contact cup horn button
testing, removing, and replacing of the upper starting
and emblem plate by pushing down, with palm of
hand, and turning clockwise.
and replace the carrier starting motor and solenoid.
j. Instrument Panel and Wiring Harness.
f. Ignition System. The carrier ignition system,
which includes the distributor, coil, suppression leads,
(1) Instrument panel, switch, and gage
and spark plugs, is identical to the upper
and replace a damaged instrument panel or a
defective switch or gage.
Warning: Always disconnect battery