Cylinder Head 1.2
1. Disconnect the exhaust piping at the exhaust
2. Drain the cooling system.
3. Remove the air cleaner(s)
4. Disconnect the fuel lines at the cylinder head.
5 Remove the thermostat housing and the thermostat
as an assembly.
6. Clean and remove the valve rocker cover.
7. Disconnect and remove the fuel rod between the
governor and the injector control tube lever. Remove
the fuel rod cover, if used.
8. Remove the exhaust manifold.
9. Remove the injector control tube and brackets as an
10. If the cylinder head is to be stripped for
reconditioning of valves and valve seats or for a
Fig. 2. - Lifting Cylinder Head Assembly Off
complete cylinder head overhaul, remove the fuel pipes
Cylinder Block with Tool J 22062-01
and injectors at this time. Refer to Section 2.1.1 for
removal of the injectors.
The removal procedures to be followed, when removing
11. Remove the cylinder head bolts. Then, lift the
the parts mentioned above, are covered in their
cylinder head off of the cylinder block, with lifter tool J
respective sections of this manual.
22062-01 (Fig. 2).
Clean Cylinder Head
CAUTION: When resting the cylinder
head assembly on a bench, protect the
After the cylinder head has been stripped of all the
cam follower rollers and the injector
component parts and all of the plugs (except cup plugs)
spray tips by resting the valve side of the
have been removed, steam clean the head thoroughly.
head on 2" thick wood blocks.
Thoroughly clean a new service cylinder head to
12. Remove the cylinder head compression gaskets, oil
remove all of the rust preventive compound, particularly
seals and water seals.
from the integral fuel manifolds, before the plugs are
installed in the fuel manifolds and the head is mounted
Disassemble Cylinder Head
on the engine. A simple method of removing the rust
preventive compound is to immerse the head in solvent,
If a cylinder head is removed for inspection and possible
oleum or fuel oil; then, go over the head and through all
repair or replacement, remove the following parts:
of the openings with a soft bristle brush. A suitable
1. Fuel injectors, if not previously removed.
brush for cleaning the fuel manifolds can be made by
2. Fuel connectors.
attaching a 1/8" brass rod to brush J 8152. After
3. Cam follower guides and cam followers.
cleaning, dry the cylinder head with compressed air.
4. Rocker arms, rocker arm shafts, brackets, push
rods, push rod springs, spring seats and spring seat
Inspect Cylinder Head
5. Exhaust valves and valve springs.
1. Check the cylinder head for leaks as follows:
a. Seal off the Water holes in (the head with steel
plates and suitable rubber gaskets held in place by bolts.
1970 General Motors Corp.
July, 1970
SEC. 1.2 Page 3