1.2 Cylinder Head
Install Cylinder Head
3. Make a final visual check of all of the cylinder head
gaskets and seals to ensure that they are in place just
1. Install new cylinder head compression gaskets and
before the cylinder bead is lowered onto the cylinder
seals as outlined below:
block. This is a very important check. Compression
a. Place a new compression gasket on each
gaskets and seals which are jarred out of their proper
cylinder liner.
position will lead to leaks and "blow-by" with resultant
b. Place new seal rings in the counterbores of the
poor engine performance and damage to the engine.
water and oil holes in the cylinder block.
c. Install a new oil seal in the milled groove in the
4. Wipe the bottom of the cylinder head clean; then,
cylinder block near the outer edge of the area
lower the head on the block.
covered by the cylinder head.
5. Lubricate the threads and the underside of each
NOTE: Used water seals, oil seals and compression
cylinder head bolt with a small quantity of International
gaskets should never be used.
Compound No. 2, or equivalent. Then, install the bolts.
2. To install the cylinder head on the engine without
disturbing the gaskets and seals, use guide stud set J
9665. Install the guide studs in the end cylinder block
NOTE: Cylinder head bolts are especially
bolt holes (Fig. 2).
designed for this purpose and -must not be
replaced by ordinary bolts.
Fig. 6. - Sequence for Tightening Cylinder Head Bolts
1970 General Motors Corp.
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