Flywheel Housing 1.5
9. Refer to Fig.4 -for the final bolt tightening
then, start at No. 1 and tighten the bolts
to the specified torque. Tighten the 5/16"-18 bolts
(numbers 13 and 14) to 19-23 lb-ft torque and the 3/8" -
16 bolts (numbers 9 through 12) to 40-45 Ib-ft torque.
Tighten the remaining 3/8" -16 and 3/8" -24 bolts to 25-
30 Ib-ft torque.
indicators on the base post with the
10. Install the blower and governor drive support
attaching parts provided in the tool set.
assembly as outlined in Section
11. Check the flywheel housing concentricity and
bolting flange face with tool J 9737 as follows:
a. Refer to Fig. {and thread the base post J
9737-3 tightly into one of the tapped holes
in the flywheel. Then, assemble the dial
Fig. 4. Flywheel Housing Bolt Tightening Sequence
(Operation 2).6V Engine
1970 General Motors Corp.
July, 1970
SEC 1.3.7. Page 3