The flywheel is attached securely to the rear end of the
crankshaft with six self-locking bolts. The bolt heads are
prevented from "biting" into the flywheel by a scuff plate,
which is used between the flywheel and the heads of the
bolts. A ring gear is shrunk onto the rim of the flywheel.
The rugged construction of the flywheel makes
necessity for service very remote.
However, the
flywheel must be removed for other service operations
such as removing and replacing the ring gear.
Remove Flywheel (Transmission Removed)
Remove the flywheel as follows
Fig. 1. Removing Flywheel with Tool J 6361 01
b. Attach flywheel lifting tool J 6361-01 to
the flywheel with two 3/8" -16 bolts of
a. Remove the flywheel attaching bolts and
suitable length as shown in Fig. 1.
the scuff plate while holding the flywheel
in position by hand; then, reinstall one
c. Attach a chain hoist to the lifting tool.
d. Remove the remaining flywheel attaching
CAUTION : When removing or installing
the attaching bolts, hold the flywheel
firmly against the crankshaft by hand to
e. Move the upper end of the tool back and
prevent it from slipping off the end of
forth to loosen the flywheel; then,
the crankshaft.
withdraw the flywheel.
Check 'the clutch contact face of the flywheel for cracks,
scoring or overheating. If the flywheel clutch surface is
scored, it may be refaced.
However, do not
1970 General Motors Corp.
July, 1970
SEC 1.4
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