3.4 Blower
governor operating fork, permitting the fork to slip
into place between the serrated end of the shaft and
the riser bearing.
1. Install a new blower-to-block seal ring and two new
blower-to-block gaskets.
Affix the gaskets to the
Push the drive support assembly up
cylinder block and engine end plate with Scotch Grip
against the flywheel housing; the serrations
Rubber Adhesive No. 430a, or equivalent.
in the governor weight shaft and in the
governor drive plate on the blower timing
2. Install the blower and governor assembly on the
gear must mesh. The blower drive gear
engine as follows:
must also mesh with the mating gear.
To install the blower and governor on the
5. Secure the small end of the blower drive support to
engine without disturbing the gaskets and
the flywheel housing with two 3/8 "-16 bolts and copper
seal, use guide studs (Fig.;). Install the
washers. Tighten the bolts to 20-25 Ib-ft torque.
guide studs in the end blower bolt holes in
the cylinder block.
6. Insert the blower drive shaft into the blower gear
shaft. If necessary, turn the crankshaft so that the
While lowering the blower and governor
serrations on the blower drive shaft register with the
assembly over the guide studs, push the
serrations in the blower drive cam and the blower drive
blower away from the governor housing
gear shaft.
gasket attached to the rear end plate.
7. Install the snap ring in the blower drive gear shaft to
Remove the guide studs and install the
secure the blower drive shaft.
blower to block bolts and flat washers.
Tighten the bolts finger tight only.
8. Attach a new gasket to the blower drive support
cover. Then secure the cover to the support with four
Press or drive the governor housing dowel
3/8 "-16 bolts and lock washers. Tighten the bolts to 20-
pin into the rear end plate with a suitable
9. Tighten the blower-to-block bolts to 55-60 lb.-ft
3. Tighten the blower to block bolts to 10-15 Ib-ft
10. Insert the upper fuel rods through the fuel rod
4. Install the blower drive support as follows:
covers and attach the rods to the governor control link
Affix a new gasket to the blower drive
11. Attach the lower fuel rods to the injector control
tube levers and upper fuel rods.
Position the light governor weights (high
speed limiting speed governor) in a
12. Slide the fuel rod cover hoses in place and secure
horizontal position to provide clearance
them with hose clamps.
(Figr4). Turn the operating shaft fork away
from the blower, if necessary, for additional
13. Install the spring assembly in the governor.
14. Install the air shut-down housing (Section 3.3).
Move the blower drive assembly into the openings
in the flywheel housing until the blower drive gear
enters the housing. Then turn the drive assembly
slightly so that the serrated end of the governor
weight shaft may pass around behind the
@ 1972 General Motors Corp.
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