Check the mounting bolts and nuts for tightness and also all other bolts and nuts on the Dynamometer and
supporting framework. This check should be carried out at short, regular intervals.
During the normal crane overhaul, the rollers should be removed from the Dynamometer, the bearings washed in
solvent and repacked with Shell Alvania No. 2 grease.
Should it be necessary to remove the Load Cell from the Dynamometer, it is only necessary to remove the two
5/16" Allen screws from the underside of the platform on which the Load Cell is mounted. The Load Cell is located on a
shallow pin and must be slightly lifted before being drawn out of the Dynamometer. THE HOIST ROPE MUST BE
Dynamometer. The "U"-shaped block may be lifted by hand to give added clearance when removing the cell.
LOAD CELL ASSEMBLY. The Load' Cell, flexible capillary and Load Indicator assembly is a sealed unit and capillary
joints must NOT be dismantled under any circumstances. The only maintenance necessary is to regularly clean away any
clogged grease or dirt from the cell and to ensure that it is correctly located and secured in the Dynamometer.
Should the black pointer in the Control Box fail to operate when the crane hook is loaded and the Load Cell is
suspect, the cell may be removed from the Dynamometer (see Maintenance Dynamometer') and loaded by squeezing in a
vice. If there is still no reaction from the black pointer, the complete assembly must be returned to the Manufacturer for
repair. (See Service Manual.) Note: When making this test, the red pointer must be rotated to the right hand side of the
scale by removing the cam and turning the cam boss by hand (counter-clockwise). This ensures that there is no restriction
of the black pointer.
CONTROL BOX. The interior of the Control Box, especially the three slide bars, must be kept clean and free from grit.
After cleaning the side bars they should be coated within oil.
It is advantageous to smear a small amount of molybdenumdisulphide grease in the slot of the cams. Wipe off all
surplus grease after lubricating.
FLEXIBLE DRIVE CABLES. Ensure that the run of these cables is as straight as possible and that there are no kinks in
the outer conduits.