Grease the conduits through the lubricators provided, ensuring that there is sufficient grease to prevent water from
entering the conduits. Smear grease on the exposed ends to prevent corrosion. Remove ice in frosty weather before
operating the crane.
On no account should the cables be 'bar tight'. There should be approximately " of sideways movement
mid- way between the pulley and the adjuster when tested with finger pressure and no noticeable 'backlash'
at the pulley behind the Control Box.
MAINTENANCE. Models 4T & 5T (Telescopic Crane Units).
Maintenance operations for these Units are exactly as those laid down, in the previous pages, for Models 4, 5 & 6,
with the addition of the following:-
BOOM WIRE. This cable attached to the boom head and Recoil Drum, should be regularly inspected for fraying or kinks
and should be lightly greased to prevent corrosion.
Any guide pulleys along it's path should be inspected for free rotation and lubricated as necessary.
RECOIL DRUM ASSEMBLY. No maintenance is necessary apart from general cleaning and lubrication of the driving
chain. This drum must apply sufficient tension to the wire to keep it taut, especially when the telescopic boom is fully
retracted. If this does not operate correctly, refer to the Service Manual.
ROTARY FLEXIBLE DRIVE. Ensure that the run of this drive is as straight as possible, with no severe bends.
Inspect the knurled, screwed couplings, at each end of the drive, for tightness.
No further maintenance is necessary.
IMPORTANT:- The Serial Number of the Equipment "CO...." should be quoted in all communications and requests for