(4) DA Form 2408-9, Equipment Control Record.
(5) DA Form 2408-10, Equipment Component Register.
(6) DA Form 2408-14, Uncorrected Fault Record.
a. The contractor warrants the supplies furnished under this contract as described on the warranty decal and cited on
the warranties in the equipment manual.
b. Procedures.
(1) Selection of exhibits. When it has been determined that a component, part, or assembly of an end item
under warranty is defective because of design deficiency or poor workmanship in production, the defective component,
part of assembly will be identified as a warranty claim exhibit. Claim actions are initiated at organizational, direct and
general support, and depot levels.
(2) Use of DA Form 2402. In warranty claim cases, organizational, direct support, general support, and depot
maintenance activities will tag all warranty claim exhibits with a DA Form 2402. The DA Form 2402 will be used as an
exchange tag to identify items being held for warranty claim exhibits. In each case, the tag will be marked "Warranty
Exhibit." The exchange tag consists of four sections:
Section I remains with the item (to assure identification) until the item is repaired and used. It
identifies the tagged item as "Serviceable" after repair.
Sections 2, 3, and 4 serve as receipts. Usually, section 4 is a receipt for the unit, section 3 the
battalion level, and section 2 for support activities. (All sections are not always required.) When used as a receipt, the date
and signature of the individual accepting the item will be entered on the reverse side of the section used.
When an unserviceable item is immediately exchanged for a tagged serviceable item, the receipt
portion of the card is not used.
c. Preparation.
(1) The unserviceable part or assembly will be identified by making entries in DA Form 2402 blocks as follows:
Block 1. Enter the support agency where the item is to be exchanged.
Block 2. Enter calendar date the item was prepared for exchange.
Blocks 3, 11 and 15. Enter unit or organization originating the exchange.