(x) Block 20, columns i, j and k. Self-explanatory.
(y) Block 201. Self-explanatory.
(z) Block 20m.
Multiply the value of block 201 by .00 and enter the product in block 20m.
(aa) Block 20n. Self-explanatory.
(bb) Block 23. Enter signature of the individual authorized to submit DA Form 2407.
(cc) Block 30. Place check in space provided for "ROUTINE-"
(dd) Block 31.
Enter a " " or an "X" in space for "other" and state under "remarks" in block 35 "Replace
Defective Part."
(ee) Block 32. Enter organization submitting the report.
(ff) Block 33. Enter National Stock Number of defective part or assembly.
(gg) Block 34. Enter nomenclature of defective part or assembly.
(hh) Block 35. Enter the complete telephone number (autovon/ commercial with area code) of the originator on
the first line of this block. State in clear terms all factors which contributed to the failure, include date the part failed; the
contract number and date warranty period began; USA registration number of the end item, if applicable; complete
accounting classification for unit to be credited for cost of labor expended; the MILSTRIP document number and
supplementary address of the unit which is to receive disposition instructions and notice of favorable claim actions.
(3) Support activities. Maintenance activities in support of organizational maintenance are the responsible points of
contact between the originator of warranty claim actions and the national maintenance point, which serves as the DA
representatives with the contractor in warranty matters.
In certain instances, the originating organization and the support activity are one and the same.
As such, support and depot maintenance activities will establish the following procedures for processing and disposing of
warranty claim actions.
(a) Non-direct exchange (DX) claim items. When the defective component part or assembly is not a DX item,
the originating organization will prepare and submit a completed DA Form 2402 (with exhibit) and DA Form 2407 (as
prescribed herein) to the support maintenance activity. The support maintenance activity will process DA Form 2407 as