cylinder pins, and drive the pins out using a suitable drift
pad (1) her worn to 7/8" (22.2 mm). shims totaling 3/16"
pin. Support the cylinders and slide them out the rear of
(4.762 mm) should be installed between the slide pad car-
the boom sections.
rier and the bottom plate of the boom base section. When
the slider pad has worn on additional 1/8" (3.175 mm),
install shims equaling 1/8" (3.175 mm) to compensate for
the additional wear.
GENERAL. The alignment of the boom sections on this
machine is controlled by means of slider pads at each end
When the thickness of slider pad (2) has worn to 5/8" (15.8
of each boom section. Two adjustments are required to
mm), shims totaling 3/16" (4.762 mm) should be instolled
place the boom sections in proper alignment. They are: (1)
between the slide pad carrier and the bottom plate of boom
side adjustment, and (2) vertical adjustment. Each adjust-
section 1. When the slider pad has worn an additional 1/8"
(3.175 mm), install shims equaling 1/8" (3.175 mm) to
SIDE ADJUSTMENT. To determine the need for side
compensate for the additional wear.
adjustment, extend the boom to its maximum length and
When it becomes necessary to reshim slider pad (2), the
raise it to its maximum elevation. Sit along the centerline
second time, rear slider pad (3) should be checked. If slide
of the boom, with a transit if possible, to determine the
pad (3) has worn to a thickness of 7/8" (22.2 mm), shims
amount of side deflection, If the amount of deflection
totaling 3/16" (4.762 mm) should be installed between the
exceeds 4 inches to either side of center, when no load is
slider pad carrier end the top plate of boom section 1. The
applied to the boom, it must be adjusted as follows:
rear slide pad should be reshimmed as required to maintain
the 7/8" (22.2 mm) height of the slider pad.
Add shims at positions 5, 6, 7 end 8 to obtain a maximum
of 1/32" (0.744 mm) clearance in the area of closest fit
between the boom sections.
Rear slider pads (4) generally do not require adjustment,
but should be checked whenever slide pad (3) is adjusted.
Adjust slider pads (4) in the same manner slide pad (3) is
The slider pads must be replaced when they hew
worn to the point of exposing the heads of the bolts
used to hold the slider pads in place.
VERTICAL ADJUSTMENT. Vertical alignment is con-
The slider pads should be replaced when they are
trolled by slider pad thickness. When the thickness of slider
1/2" (12.7 mm) thick.
Figure 5A-3. Boom Alignment (1100P154)