able commercial cleaning solvent. and then lay the parts on
a clean workbench for Inspection. Particular attention
should be paid to the following items when inspecting the
Be sure to support the rod at all times to prevent
cylinder components:
damage to the piston and/or cylinder bore.
1. Carefully inspect all seals and components for damage or
excessive wear, and replace as required. The grey iron
3. Oil or grease the outside of the head gland and then
piston rings tend to wear or "break-in" to the mating cylin-
screw it into the cylinder bore. Install the rod eye on the
der bore surface. These piston rings should not be replaced
rod and tighten the locking set screws in the outer end of
unless they have been seriously damaged.
the rod.
2. The sirvon piston ring seal should not be removed from
4. After the cylinder is reinstalled on the machine. cycle
the piston unless a new ring must be installed, since
the cylinder slowly a full stroke in both directions repeatly
removing the seal will permanently damage it. To replace
to purge the trapped air from the cylinder.
the sirvon piston seal, proceed as follows:
A. Remove the grey iron piston ring closest to the sirvon
piston seal groove.
When air is present in the cylinder, jerky and/or
irratic operation of the cylinder can be expected.
B. Warm the new sirvon piston seal in either hot water
or oil. Install one side of the seal in its groove and
carefully walk the other side into the groove.
DISASSEMBLY. TO disassemble the boom telescope cylin-
der, proceed as follows:
When installing the sirvon piston seal, do not allow it
to become twisted in the piston groove.
The telescope cylinders used to extend and retract
REASSEMBLY To reassemble the boom extension cylin-
the boom sections are Identical internally. The basic
der. proceed as follows:
difference between these cylinders is that the lower
telescope cylinder has the hose loop assembly
1. Install the spacer sleeve on the rod-, and then install the
attached to it. If the upper telescope cylinder is to be
piston. Install the piston nut and tighten it until it is snug.
disassembled, begin with Step 2 below. If the lower
Install the piston nut locking set screws and torque them
telescope cylinder is to be disassembled, begin with
down tight to prevent the piston from loosening.
Step 1.
2. Oil or grease the mouth of the cylinder and the piston
1. Remove the cable clamps which secure the rope to the
thoroughly. Position the rod and piston assembly in the
anchor bracket welded to the rod end of the cylinder (see
mouth of the cylinder, and slowly rock the outer end of the
rod to compress the piston rings as they enter the cylinder.
Figure 5C-2. Hose Loop Assembly (100J3870)