Figure 5C-3. Boom Telescope Cylinder (38R32)
6. Remove piston (3), spacer (7), and head gland (10). The
2. Remove the counterbalance valve cartridge at the base
remaining parts can now be removed as required.
of the cylinder only if repairs are required (see Figure
INSPECTION AND REPAIR. After the cylinder has boon
disassembled, clean all the cylinder components in a suit-
3. Use a suitable spanner wrench to remove head gland (10).
able commercial cleaning solvent, and then lay the parts on
a clean workbench for inspection. Particular attention
4. Slide rod assembly (15) from cylinder case (16).
should be paid to the following items when inspecting the
cylinder components:
1. Carefully inspect all seals and components for damage or
The rod must be supported at all times to prevent
excessive wear, and replace as required. The grey iron
damage to the piston and/or cylinder bore. Do not
piston rings, tend to wear or "break-in" to the mating cylin-
allow the rod to cantilever from the cylinder.
der bore surface. These piston rings should not be replaced
unless they have been seriously damaged.
5. Loosen setscrew (2). Then remove ring nut (19).