8. Connect the hydraulic pressure line to the piston
Replace the O-ring seal and back-up rings, and examine the
piston for evidence of scoring.
9. Attach a flexible bleeder tube to the bleeder fitting.
Evidence of severe scoring in the piston housing bore will
Submerge the other end of the tube In a container partially
mean replacing the piston housing assembly, since it would
filled with hydraulic fluid.
be impossible to effect a proper seal.
10. Start the engine and engage the pump drive. Place the
5. Dip the piston assembly, O-ring seal and backup ring in
winch lever in the lower position to supply fluid to the
clean hydraulic fluid, Assemble the O-ring and back-up ring
on the piston so that the back-up ring is on the low pressure
winch motor and winch brake. Hold the lever in the lower
side of the seal groove. Press the piston into the piston
position until a solid stream of fluid escapes from the tube.
bore, keeping it square to avoid scoring the bore. Push it
Then tighten the bleeder fitting and return the lever to the
firmly all the way into the bore.
centered position. Do the same for the other brake assem-
bly if the winch is equipped with two brakes.
6. Install the piston housing on the studs. Then install the
springs in the proper location, and secure the springs with
the retainer plate and nuts (1).
Do not pour any of the purged fluid back into the
reservoir, since it is aerated and the air trapped within
7. Adjust the brake as described under the topic Adjust-
it will again enter the system.
Figure 5J-23. Brake Assembly