Figure 5J-13. Removing End Cover
Figure 5J-11. Location of Breather, Level, and Drain Plugs
Figure 5J-14. Removing Outer Planetary Assembly
screws will begin to cut into the mating surfaces. lnitial
thickness was 1/8 inch (3.17 mm). The internal wear plates
(Inside the planetary stages) can stand about 3/64 inch
(2.38 mm) wear before the gear teeth will start to cut into
about 1/8 inch (3.17 mm) wear. Note that wear on the
interstage surfaces should be even across the entire surfaces,
and should show up as a concentric circle within the I.D. of
the wear plate.
Figure 5J-12. Guide Studs for Final Drive
4. Remove the outer planetary assembly as shown in
1/2-13x11 UNC bolts with heads cut off or three
and replace this wear plate if required. Note that disas-
1/2-13x11 UNC studs at the points indicated in Figure
sembly of either of the two planetary assemblies shown in
5J-12. These studs will serve as guides in the removal and
installation of the parts comprising the final drive
mended to spin the gears and see that they turn freely and
3. Carefully separate the end cover end remove it from the
smoothly. If they do not spin freely, check to see if the
assembly as shown in Figure 5J-13. Inspect the wear plate
pins turn when the gears turn. The pins should not turn. If
shown for discernible wear patterns. The wear plates be-
one does, it is probable that one of the roll pins which
tween the inner and outer planetary stages and the cover
holds each pin in place has sheared. As a general rule, if one
can stand about 1/32" (0.79 mm) wear before the retaining
of the bearings on which the planetary gears is mounted in