outer surface that Would cause leakage. Examine the rod
seal assembly for damage.
GENERAL. To obtain the best tire wear life and proper
steering of the carrier, two types of alignment must be
5. If the sealing edge of the neoprene ring are cut or worn,
checked and maintained for the front front and rear front
leakage will occur. The nylon wedge ring and gland act as a
wheels. The wheels on each axle must be adjusted so that
rod scraper; if the edges are broken or "notched" foreign
they "toe in". This prevents the vehicle from tending to
matter will enter the seal cavity.
Wander when steering in a straight fine, by allowing the
6. Wash and dean all parts thoroughly in solvent or
forces applied to the tires during travel to act to keep the
kerosene before reassembly.
wheels set to steer straight.
7. Check the mar pin and universal block for wear. The pin
In addition, the parallel wheel alignment must be set so the
should fit snugly when assembled in the cylinder base end
Wheels on both axles are as nearly parallel to each other,
universal block.
relative to the centerline of the carrier, as possible. This
adjustment is necessary to assure that all wheels will steer in
REASSEMBLY. To reassemble the cylinder, proceed as
the same direction.
If the tires begin to show signs of excessive or uneven war,
1. Lubricate all seals and parts with light oil before assem-
and they have been maintained at the proper inflation pres-
sure, check the alignment of the wheels as described below.
2. Install the rings on the piston with the joints positioned
on opposite sides of the piston. Assemble the piston and
Toe-in must be adjusted properly before adjusting
rod assembly in the body, using a standard ring compressor.
parallel alignment. All tires must be inflated properly,
3. Install the washer and rod seal assembly in the head and
and matched in outer diameter, for the following
secure it with the snap ring.
adjustments to be fully effective. The adjustments
must be made with the wheels set to steer in a
4. Install the O-ring seal on the head. Assemble the head
straight line, since the front front wheels and the rear
into the body, moving it slowly so that the O-ring will not
front wheels turn on slightly different arcs.
be damaged as it passes the port hole in the body.
TOE-IN ADJUSTMENT. The recommended toe-in for this
5. Install the snap ring in the body. Pull the rod outward to
carrier is 1/8 inch (3.175 mm) maximum, O-inch minimum.
force the heed against the snap ring.
To check and adjust the amount of toe-in, proceed as
6. Install the spiral lock ring on the head.
1. Place the carrier on a flat and level concrete surface, and
7. Install the complete steering cylinder on the axle.