The wheels should be as nearly parallel to each other as
jack up the front of the carrier.
2. Whiten the center of the tread areas of all four tires,
2. If necessary, adjust length in small increments. After
around the circumference, with chalk. Scribe a straight line
each adjustment, run the carrier backward and then for-
around the circumference of each tire, by positioning a
ward at least one full tire revolution, so that the wheels
scribe or other pointed instrument against the whitened
assume their normal driving positions.
area of the tire, and rotating the tire. Be sure to hold the
scribe firmly in place.
3. Lower the carrier to the ground, and move the carrier
backward and then forward approximately 6 feet (1.8288
m). This will cause the tires and steering linkage to assume
their normal driving positions.
Do not measure toe-in with the front axles jacked up.
Toe-in must be measured with the weight of the car-
rier on the axles, so that the tires are in their normal
driving positions.
4. Measure the distance between the scribed lines at the
rear of the tires on the front front axle at the height of the
hubs, using a trammel bar or other suitable measuring
device. Measure the distance between the same lines at the
front of the tires. Subtract the front measurement from the
rear measurement to obtain the amount of toe-in.
5. If adjustment is necessary, loosen the tie rod clamps and
disconnect the parallel adjusting link between the axles.
Rotate the tie rod until the required toe-in is obtained,
7 Tighten the tie rod clamps.
6. Repeat steps (4) and (5) to check and adjust the toe-in
of the rear front axle.
7. Reconnect the parallel adjusting link. Move the carrier
backward and then forward approximately 6 feet. Recheck
the toe-in as described above, and readjust if necessary.
PARALLEL WHEEL ALIGNMENT. Parallel wheel align-
ment is adjusted by means of the adjusting link shown in
1. Check the alignment of the wheels on one axle, relative
Figure 10-16. Toe-In Adjustment
to the wheels on the other axIe using a long straight edge.