6. Disassemble the the socket before attempting to remove
body (12) from housing (9). To do so, place a punch into
an oil passage in piston (13) to prevent the piston from
When installing the O-ring seals on the piston do not
turning. Remove nut (14) from the ball socket and the 4
mow the piston in the body my farther the, is
inch extension. Remove ball socket (16) and ball socket
required to assemble the seal. If the seal on the gland
bearing (17).
end of the piston drops into the cavity in the body, it
is likely to be cut or damaged. Apply light lubricating
7.The valve body assembly can now be removed from
oil to the piston and seals when assembling.
housing (9). The housing contains the snap ring (18). It is
2. Install the two O-ring seals on the gland end of the
not necessary to remove this snap ring.
8. To disassemble valve body (12) from piston (13), hold
the assembly in a vise, clamping on the body. Place a punch
3. Install the O-ring seals on the two reaction rings. Install
in the oil passage hole in the piston to keep it from turning
one ring on the piston, then install the gland in the body
in the body and remove nut (15) from the gland end of the
and the second reaction ring on the end of the piston.
piston with a 3/4 inch box socket.
4. Install the spacer in the gland between the two reaction
9. Remove washer (19). Hold the piston in the body and
rings and assemble In the body.
remove gland (20), reaction rings (21), and spacer (22). Do
6. Install the washer and nut and tighten the nut to 20-25
not attempt to remove the gland and piston together, as the
foot-pounds torque (2.766-3.4575 m/kg). To hold the pis-
O-ring seals on the piston will be damaged. When removing
ton stem from turning while tightening the nut, place a
the piston, first move it toward the gland end of the body
punch in the oil passage hole in the piston.
just far enough to permit removing the O-ring. Then move
the piston in the opposite direction just far enough to
6. Place the body assembly in the housing and assemble
remove the O-ring from the other end. Finally, slide the
the drag link adapter with the lock ring and tighten enough
piston out from the gland end of the body.
to hold the body in position. Be sure that the interior of
the housing is clean and that no obstructions prevent the
body assembly from bearing against the stop ring in the
REPAIR AND INSPECTION. Clean and wash all parts
housing. This an be observed through the opening in the
thoroughly in solvent or kerosene. Handle the part, separat-
ely and carefully to avoid damaging the finished surfaces.
Wear of parts such as piston, reaction rings and valve body
7. Place the assembly in a vise with the bell stud opening in
is negligible as these parts operate in circulating oil. It is
the housing facing upward.
impractical for a field service shop to attempt to measure
MU. Therefore a careful visual inspection of all parts is
most important.
Examine the surface of the piston and the bore of the
Clamp only in the canter of the valve, as this is the
body for scoring damage that may have been cause by
heaviest section.
foreign matter in the fluid. Parts that are badly scored and
scratched should be replaced. Light scratches can be re-
8. Place the ball socket bearing in the ball socket. The
moved by polishing with fine crocus cloth. Do not "round-
counterbored side should face toward the socket opening,
off" or chamfer the port edges of the piston or body. These
edges should remain sharp to insure proper sealing. If they
9. Assemble the socket in the housing and secure with a
are broken the result would be excessive leakage and re-
nut. Tighten the nut to 20-25 foot-pounds torque
duced hydraulic power.
(2.7660-3.4575 m/kg).
10. Tighten the dreg link adapter to 70-75 foot-pounds
REASSEMBLY. To reassemble the drag link valve, proceed
torque (9.681-10.3725 m/kg). Bend the edge of the lock
as follows:
ring into a slot in the rim of the adapter.
1. HoId the valve body in a vise end install the valve piston.
INSTALLATION. To install the valve, proceed a follows:
Insert the piston into the gland end of the body for easy
assembly. Install an O-ring on the piston opposite the gland
1. Plea the ball seat in the ball socket and assemble the
end first and mow the piston into the body just enough
valve over the ball stud on the vehicle steering arm. Assem-
to permit installation of the O-ring on the gland end of the
ble the ball seat, spring, and ball socket end plug. Tighten
piston. Center the piston on the body so that the shoulder
the end plug until it bottoms, then back it off until the
on the gland end of the piston is flush with the bottom of
nearest set of holes in the socket lines up with the slot in
the counterbore in the body.
the end plug to permit installing the plug lock.