d. Depress the clutch pedal, and place the transfer
clutch pedal. To shift into the main transmission high
range, lift the transmission shift button.
case lever in the proper position (low or high angel as
g. To retard the motion of the carrier, remove
indicated on the gearshift nameplate. Make certain that
pressure from the accelerator pedal. To bring the carrier
the transmission shift button is depressed for operation
to a stop, depress the brake treadle valve.
in the low range.
h. To hold the carrier brakes applied for short-term
Caution. Do not shift the transfer case while the
parking, bring the carrier to a stop, and place the brake
carrier is in motion.
three-way control lever in the EMERGENCY position.
e. Release the clutch pedal to engage the clutch,
i. To hold the carrier brakes applied for long-term
while depressing the accelerator to increase the engine
parking, bring the carrier to a stop, and place the brake
output, and drive off.
three-way control lever in' the PARK position.
f. To shift the main transmission to the next higher
gear, depress the clutch pedal, place the main
transmission lever in the position indicated on the gear
Fire Extinguisher
See instructions in paragraph 2-22.
5-9. Operation in Extreme Cold (Below 0F, -18 C)
h. Stopping. The park abort feature must be used in
extremely cold weather to prevent the brakes from
a. (General). Operation in extreme cold presents
special problems due to the increased possibility of
5-10. Operation in Extreme Heat
increased difficulty of keeping parts lubricated
Warning. Personnel should use care to keep
5-11. Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas
from spilling fuel, coolant, or other liquids upon
a. General. Operation in dusty or sandy areas
themselves. Exposed parts of the body, should not
presents special problems due to abrasive action of dust
come into contact with metal during cold weather, as
which shortens the life of parts. Make every effort to
serious and painful injury may result.
keep dust and sand out of the engine, transmissions,
and axles.
b. Lubrication.
c. Cooling System. See instructions in paragraph
equipment must be kept clean. Service breathers and
air cleaners frequently to remove sand and dust.
Lubricate the entire carrier more frequently to keep a
e. Fuel System. Keep the fuel tank as full as
supply of clean lubricant at moving parts. Clean all
lubrication fittings thoroughly before attaching the grease
presence of water is noted in the fuel supply, drain the
tank and refill it with clean fuel.
c. Fuel System. Keep the fuel tank filler cap tight
to prevent sand or dust from entering the fuel tank.
g. Warmup.
Service the fuel filters frequently to keep them free from
sand and grit.
(1) Cover part of the air passages through the
radiator, to aid warmup and to maintain engine running
5-12. Operation in High Humidity or Salt Water
temperature. During warmup only, the entire radiator-
may be covered.
(2) Place the transfer case shift lever in the
The park abort feature must be used in high humidity
neutral position, select a gear on the main transmission,
areas to prevent brakes from corroding and sticking to
and release the clutch pedal to turn over and warmup the
main transmission.
5-13. Operation at High Altitudes