Table 6-2. TROUBLESHOOTING (Continued)
Step 1. (Test) Check to see if hydraulic fluid reservoir is too low.
(Corrective Action) Fill reservoir to proper level.
Step 2. (Test} Check for worn tires, wrong tire air pressure, unbalanced wheels, or misalignment.
(Corrective Action) Maintain proper tire air pressure.
Report other deficiencies to Organization Maintenance.
Field Expedient Repairs
and make temporary repairs as described.
Carrier field expedient repairs are identical to the
6-8. General
6-11. Fuel Tank Service
The maintenance operations described in this section
The fuel tank should be kept as full as possible at all
are those allocated to the operator/ crew by the
maintenance allocation chart (MAC).
cap tight to prevent the entry of foreign material into the
functions are presented in the same groupings as listed
tank. Refer to figure 6-2 to fill the fuel tank. If water or
in MAC. For example; all fuel system checks are
grouped, all electrical system checks are grouped, etc.
Warning. When refueling the model M320T2
6-9. Engine Inspection
Visually inspect the engine and engine accessories for
truck crane, always provide a metal to metal contact
fluid leaks or any other physical damage which would
between the filler nozzle and the gasoline tank. This
make it unsafe to start or run the engine.
will prevent sparks which might ignite fuel, and will
thus prevent an unsafe condition which might
6-10. Air Cleaner Service
destroy the machine or injure personnel.
Figure 6-1 illustrates the location of
the carrier air
cleaner. The carrier air cleaner is serviced in the same
manner as the crane (revolving frame) air cleaner. Refer
Figure 6-1. Air cleaner service.
Figure 6-2. Fuel tank service (sheet 1 of 2).