Figure 6-5. Air filter service.
6-21. Transfer Case Inspection and Service
a. Inspection. Inspect the transfer case for leaks or
other damage. A wet area usually indicates a leak, and
should be traced to the source of the leak. Report all
leaks or damage to direct support maintenance. Check
the oil level by removing the cap on the standpipe. The
oil should be just below the end of the standpipe.
b. Service. Add oil of the type listed in the current
LO through the standpipe until the oil level is just below
the end of the standpipe.
Figure 6-4. Battery inspection and service.
6-22. Gear Shift Control Service
6-19. Trailer Coupling Inspection
The servicing of the gear shift controls consists of
There are two trailer couplings on the machine. One is
checking the nuts and bolts on the gear shift control
mounted on the rear of the carrier frame and the other is
linkage to be sure that they are tight, and to lubricate the
mounted on the rear of the outrigger box. Inspect both
linkage pivots not equipped with grease fittings with OE.
couplings to insure that electrical connections are tight.
6-20. Transmission Inspection and Service
Lubricate the universal joints in accordance with the
a. Inspection. Inspect the main transmission and
current LO.
drop box for leaks or other damage. A wet area usually
indicates a leak, and should be traced to the source of
6-24. Front and Rear Axle Inspection
the leak. Report all leaks or damage to Direct Support
Inspect the front and rear axles for grease or oil leaks or
Maintenance. Check the oil level by removing the oil
any other damage. A wet area usually indicates a leak,
level plug. The oil should be just up to the oil level
and should be traced to the source of the leak. Report
all leaks and damage to direct support maintenance.
b. Service. Add oil of the type listed in the current
LO, as required to bring the oil level just up to the oil
6-25. Differential Inspection
level opening.
Inspect the area around the front and rear differentials
c. Air Filter Service. Refer to figure 6-5 and service
for oil leaks and damage. Report all leaks and damage
the air filter located on the left side of the main
to general support maintenance. Check the oil levels by
removing the oil level plug. The oil level should be just
up to the oil level opening. Report low oil level to
organizational maintenance.