TM 5-3810-294-34
install felt seal (17). Secure with capscrews (9) and (11)
4-20. Disassembly
b. Install ring gear (4) on flywheel (2) by heating the
housing assembly as follows.
gear and then placing it on the flywheel while the ring
a. Remove dowel (3) and press ring gear (4) from
gear is hot. The chamfered edge of the ring gear is
flywheel (2). The ring gear is a shrink fit and is
placed on the flywheel first so that, when assembled; the
edge faces away from the engine.
b. Remove capscrews (5) and washers (6). Lift
c. Place the flywheel housing over the two flywheel
flywheel housing (7) from crankcase. Drive out dowel
housing to crankcase dowels (8) and tap into place with
a soft hammer.
c. Remove capscrews (9), washers (10), capscrews
d. Install bolts (5) and washers (6) and secure the
(11), and washers (12), and lift out retainer (13).
housing to a torque of 80 foot pounds.
Remove gasket (14), retainer (15), gasket (16) and felt
e. Check the concentricity of the housing bore and the
seal (17).
crankshaft face for proper tolerances and run out. Refer
4-21. Cleaning
to table 1-4 for run out tolerances. If the concentricity is
Clean all parts in dry cleaning solvent (Federal
not within tolerances, remove the housing and proceed
Specification P-S-661 ) and dry thoroughly. Coat all
machine surfaces with light oil to prevent rusting.
f. Remove dowels (8) from crankcase. Loosen bolts
4-22. Inspection
(5), and do not tighten these bolts to full torque. Just run
Inspect flywheel and ring gear for wear and damage.
the bolts down snug.
Inspect flywheel housing for cracks or breakage. Inspect
g. Position the housing to meet the tolerances given
all dowels and dowel holes for wear.
in table 1-4. Tighten all bolts to full torque. Recheck the
4-23. Repair and Replacement
flange tolerances and reposition the housing if
Replace all gaskets and refer to TM 5-3810-294-34P for
necessary. Ream the dowel holes for oversize dowels
repair parts.
and install oversize dowels.
4-24. Reassembly and Installation
h. Lubricate the pilot bearing and place the flywheel
Refer to figure 4-4 and reassemble and install flywheel
and ring gear assembly into position on dowels (3).
and flywheel housing as follows.
Install capscrew (1) and torque to 150 foot-pounds.
a. Install upper retainer (15), gasket (14), and lower
retainer (13).
Set gasket (16) into place and
assembly and the oil filter.
4-25. Description
4-26. Removal
The oil pan is self-explanatory. The oil pump delivers
pressurized oil through rifle-drilled passages in the
Refer to figure 4-5 and remove oil pan and oil pump as
crankcase to the main bearings, camshaft bearings;
timing gears, governor, valve lever