TM 5-3810-295-34
e. Remove screws (27) and cam pilot (28). Mark the upper gear for reassembly purposes.
Use two puller, and remove gears (29) and (30) simultaneously. Remove shims (31), (2), (33) and (34), and
remove spacers (35). Place the shims and spacers with their respective gears to assure proper reassembly.
g. Remove screws (36), thrust plate (37) and thrust spacer (38). Remove screws (39) and thrust washer (40).
h. Gently tap the end plate (41) off the dowel pins (42) with a soft (plastic) hammer, being careful not to damage
the mating surfaces of the end plate and housing.
Remove rotors (43) and seals (44). Remove end plate (45) in the same manner as end plate (41).
Remove pipe plug (46) from housing (47).
3-40. Inspection and Repair
a. Clean all parts with cleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680, or equivalent, before inspecting.
b. Replace all seals and gasket.
c. The finished inside face of each end plate must be smooth and flat. Slight scoring may be cleaned up with a.
fine grit emery cloth. If the surface is badly scored, replace the end plate.
d. Inspect the surfaces of the rotors and the blower housing. Remove burrs and scratches with an oil stone.
e. Examine the rotor shaft, gear and drive coupling for burred or worn serrations.
Inspect the blower gears for excessive wear or damage, especially for cracks at the roots of the teeth.
g. Check the bearing and oil sea! contact surfaces of the rotor shafts and end plates for scoring, wear or nicks.
3-41. Reassembly
a. Refer to figure 3-7. Place the end plate on the bed of an arbor press. Lubricate the outer diameter of seal (4)
and press the seal Oip facing down) into the counterbore hole until the face of the seal is within 0.002 to 0.008 inch below
the finished face of the end plate.
b. Place the front end plate (41) on two wooden blocks, finished side up. Install rotors (43), gear end up, on the
end plate at 90' angles, as shown in figure 3-8.
c. Install dowels 2) and place blower housing (47) over the rotors.
Figure 3-8. Blower rotor clearances.