TM 5-3810-295-34
Inspection and Repair
a Clean all parts in cleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680, or equivalent, before inspecting the parts.
b. Replace all gaskets and cotter pins.
c. Inspect all governor components for excessive wear and damage. Replace any worn or damaged parts.
d Revolve ball bearings slowly by hand. Replace bearings that have rough or tight spots. Replace bearings that
are corroded or pitted.
e Visually inspect the fuel pump end of the drive shaft. Replace shaft if the end is rounded of worn.
f Examine the variable speed spring lever for signs of excessive wear.
3-59. Reassembly
a. Refer to figure 3-12. Install lever plate (63) and secure with lock nut (62). Assemble and install lever arm (60)
and adjusting screw (61) and secure with screws (58) and lock washers (59).
b. Slide control levers (56) onto shaft (57), along with spring (54) and tube brackets (53). Position the assembly on
the engine head and secure the tube brackets with screws (52). Secure control levers in position with screws (55).
c. Install lever spacer (51) and link adapter (50) on the end of shat (57). Secure the link adapter with pin (49).
Install fuel rod link (48) and secure it to shaft (57) with pin (47) and cotter pin (46).
d. Lubricate bearings (41) and (44) and press the bearings into the counterbores of housing (45). Install retaining
ring (43) and expansion plug (42).
e. Lubricate bearing (29) and press it onto operating shaft (38). Assemble the operating shaft, shaft tube (37) and
control housing (39). Lubricate the shaft and install the assembly on weight housing (45). Secure bearing (29) with
bearing screw (28).
f Install lever fork (36) in housing (45), and secure lightly with screws (34) and lock washers (35).
g. Assemble gear spacer (33) and gear (31) on the drive shaft, and secure the gear with Woodruff key (32) and
lock nut (30). Install the assembly in housing (45). Tighten screws (34).
h. Assemble spring retainer (13), shims (14), retainer stops (15) and (16), spring (17), spring plunger (18), spring
guide (19) and guide bushing (20) into spring housing (12). Install a new gasket (21) on the control housing, and secure
the assembly with screws (10) and lock washers (11).
i Install lever pin (27) on lever assembly (26) and install the assembly on the operating shaft. Rotate the shaft and
install nut (25) and adjusting screw (24).
j. Install lever pin (9)on differential lever(8) and
k. install the assembly on the operating shaft.
l. Install pinwasher (7) and secure the assembly
m. with pin retainer (6).
k Install buffer screw (22) and lock nut (23).
3-60. Installation
a Refer to figure 3-11. Install a new gasket (22) and place the governor assembly into position on the engine. Be
sure the teeth on the drive gear mesh with the teeth on the balance shaft gear. Install screws (18), and (17) along with
washers (19) and (20). Tighten the screws to 35 ft-lb (47 N m).
b. Slip hose (7) and hose clamps (6) into position on the control housing. Then insert governor link (11) through
the hose and secure with spring retainer (9), washer (10) and cotter pin (8).
c. Install control housing screws (16) and lock washers (21). Tighten the screws to 10 to 12 ft-lb (14-16 N. m).
d. Install the lubricating lines, adapter (13), adapter (14), tee fitting (15) and elbow (12) on the weight housing.
e. Refer to figure 3-12 and install new gasket (5) on the control housing. Install cover (4) and secure with screws
(1) and lock washers (3). Refer to figure 3-11 and install throttle lever (5), screw (3) and lock washer (4). Install spring (1)
and bracket (2), and secure with spring screw (2, fig. 3-12).
f Refer to TM 5-3810-295-12 and install the fuel pump and associated fuel lines.
g Position the injector rack control levers as follows:
(1) Refer to figure 3-12 and loosen all injector rack control levers adjusting screws. Be sure levers are free on the
tube shaft. Disconnect governor link (11, fig. 3-11).
(2) Move throttle lever (5, fig. 3-11), to the maximum speed position.
(3) Adjust rear cylinder injector rack control lever (56, fig. 3-12) adjusting screws (55) until both screws are equal
in height and tighten them on tube shaft (57).
(4) Move the rear injector control lever (56) to the full fuel position and note the clearance between the linkage and
cylinder head bolt. Clearance should be one thirty-second and one-sixteenth of an inch. Readjust rear cylinder injector
rack control lever (56) adjusting
screws (55) is necessary.
(5; Position governor linkage to retain the adjustment. Check the adjustment by pushing the linkage toward the
engine and make sure the injector rack is in the full fuel position. Readjust the linkage if necessary.
(6) Hold the rear injector rack in the full fuel position and turn the inner adjusting screw of the adjacent injector rack
control lever down until the rack moves into the full fuel position. Turn the outer adjusting screw down until it bottoms lightly
on the tube shaft. Alternately tighten both the inner and outer adjusting screws to a torque of 2-3 -lb (3-4 N. m).
(7) Recheck the rear injector rack. If it has
loosened, back off the inner adjusting screw on the adjacent rack control lever and tighten the outer adjusting screw.
When the settings are correct, the racks of