TM 5-3810-295-34
grease. Install keyed washer (3), lock washer (2) and nut
5-28. Reassembly
(1). Place outer race of bearing (7) over the inner race to
a Refer to figure 5-6. Block drum (24) to prevent it
prevent foreign matter from entering the lubricant.
from rotating, and install shaft (20) in the drum. Pre-pack
g. Install gear (19) on the shaft. Be sure that the
bearings (23) and (22) with GAA grease, and install the
gear hub is firmly against bearing (22). Note that the gear
bearings on shaft (20). Apply force to the inner races
hub extends through seal (21) Be careful that seal (21) is
only, and be sure the bearings are firmly against the
not damaged during installation of the gear.
shaft shoulders.
h. Install retainer (17) and seal (18) in place on the
b. Lubricate all seals with GAA grease, and install
shaft. Heat and install the inner race of bearing (16), with
the seals (9, 11, 21, and 18) in their respective retainers.
the inner race firmly against the hub of gear (19).
Note that seal (21) must be installed in drum (24) bore.
Prepack the bearing inner race with GAA grease and
c. Install retainer (14) and gasket (15) with screws
slide the outer race of the bearing over the inner race to
(12), lock washers (13).
keep the lubricant dean.
d. Install clutch assembly (10 Be careful not to
i. Install lubricant fittings (25) and (26), and male
damage seal (11) as the clutch spider is pressed into
elbow (4), pipe coupling (5) and pipe nipple (6).
position against bearing (23 Note that repair of the
clutch assembly is discussed in the next section of this
manual. All repairs to the clutch assembly should be
5-29. Installation
made at this time.
Refer to paragraph 2-12 and install the rear drumshaft in
e. Install retainer (8) and seal (9) on the hub of
the crane.
clutch (10). Install the inner race of bearing (7) on the
shaft making sure the race butts firmly against the clutch
spider hub.
f. Prepack inner race of bearing (7) with GAA
Section VI.
a. Remove nut (1), lock washer(2) and keyed
5-30. Inspection
washer (3). Remove male elbow (4), pipe coupling (5)
The front drumshaft is used in two ways: 1) as the pri-
and pipe nipple (6).
mary load line in crane operations, and 2) as the dig-ging
b. Remove bearing (7) from shaft (30), using a
drum for shovel operations. Fr digging operations
suitable puller. Side retainer (8) and seal (9) off the shaft
(shovel) the front drumshaft is equipped with sprocket-
as an assembly.
type lagging (refer to fig. 5-1).
c. Side clutch assembly (10) off the shaft as an as-
sembly. Note that the front clutch assembly is identical to
5-31. Removal
the rear clutch assembly. Procedures for repairing this
The front drumshaft assembly is removed in accordance
assembly are presented in paragraph 5-27.
with instructions given in paragraph 2-13.
d. Remove screws (11) and then slide retainer (12)
and seal (13) off the shaft. Remove and discard gasket
5-32. Disassembly
(14). Remove retainer (16) and seal (17).
Disassembly of the front drumshaft is as follows (refer to
fig. 5-8