TM 5-3810-295-34
e. Then, from the opposite end of the shaft, pull
their respective retainers.
bearing (15) from the shaft. Remove the gear (18)
c. Install gasket (14) and retainer (12) with seal
f. Remove screws (19) and lock washers (20) and
(13) in the retainer. Secure the retainer with screws (11).
slide sprocket (21) from the shaft.
d. Install clutch (10). Install retainer (8) with seal (9)
g. Remove cotter pins (22), nuts (23), nuts (24),
in place in the retainer on the hub of the clutch spider.
washers (25) and studs (26). Remove screws (27) and
e. Heat inner races of bearings ) in oil bath, and
lock washers (28) located inside clutch housing.
install the bearing race on shaft (30). Be sure the race is
Remove split lagging (29).
firmly against the shaft hub. Prepack the inner race of
h. Press shaft (30) from drum (31). Shaft may be
the bearing with GAA grease, and place the outer race of
pressed in either direction. Either bearing (32) or bearing
bearing (7) over the inner race to prevent con-tamination
(33) and seal (34) will come off the shaft, depending on
of the lubricant.
the direction of the press. Remove the remaining items
f. Install keyed washer (3), lock washer (2) and nut
from the shaft.
(1) on the shaft. Place split lagging (29) over the hub of
drum (31).
g. Install fitting (35), nipple (36), elbow (37), fitting
5-33. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair
(38) and tube (39). Be sure to install both elbows at the
a. Clean all metal parts in cleaning solvent, Federal
ends of the tube to provide lubricant to both bearing (32)
Specification P-D-680, or equivalent. Replace all seals,
and (33).
gaskets, deformed shims, and any damaged or
h. Secure split lagging (29) in position using nuts
deformed threaded parts.
(24), washers (25), studs (26), nuts (23) and cotter pins
b. Inspect all parts for wear, scoring, cracks, or any
(2). Install screws (27) and lock washers (28) around
other visible indications of damage or excessive wear.
periphery of drum (31), extending into lagging (29).
Inspect gear and sprocket teeth for severe wear, pitting
i. Install gear (18) firmly against bearing (33). Be
or cracks, especially at the roots of the gear teeth.
careful to avoid damaging seal (34) when pushing the
c. Inspect and smooth all seal seating surfaces
hub of gear (18) through the seal.
with a fine oil stone or crocus cloth.
j. Place retainer (16) with seal (17) on the shaft.
d. Repair of the front drum clutch is identical to that
Warm the inner race of bearing (15) and install the race
for the rear drum, except for the spider. The spider is
firmly against seal (17). Prepack the bearing inner race
reversed in the two drums to allow for opposite
with GAA grease and install the outer race over the inner
drumshaft rotation.
5-34. Reassembly
5-35. Installation
a. Place drum (31) on a suitable stand and secure
Refer to paragraph 2-13 and install the front drumshaft
the drum so it cannot move. Place shaft (30) into the
drum so that the shaft is centered axially in the bore.
Pre-pack bearings (32) and (33) with GAA grease and
install the bearings on the shaft. Be sure the bearings
are firmly against the shaft shoulders. Apply force only to
Be sure the marked holes in the clutch spider
the inner race of the bearings.
lines up with the hole in the shaft to assure
b. Lubricate and install seal (34) in drum (31).
lubrication of shaft bearings.
Lubricate seals (9), (13) and (17, and install the seals in
ions given in paragraph 2-14.
5-36. Description
The reversing shaft reverses the direction of rotation of
the front drumshaft (main load line) to provide powered
5-38. Disassembly
load lowering. Drum reversal is accomplished by
Disassemble the reversing shaft as follows (refer to fig.
engaging the reversing shaft clutch with the front drum
clutch disengaged. Because the reversing shaft is driven
a. Place the assembly on end on suitable wooden
directly from the front drumshaft gear, direction of
blocking, or a stand, with hub (3) facing downward.
rotation imparted to the front drumshaft is reversed.
Press shaft (2) out of the assembly in the direction
When the reversing shaft clutch is engaged (refer to fig.
shown. Bearing (1) will come off with the shaft. Remove
5-1), the front drumshaft is driven by a chain and
bearing (1) from the shaft.
sprocket arrangement from the reversing shaft.
b. Remove spacer (4), packing (5) and seal (6).
Remove bearing (7) and lock ring (8).
5-37. Removal
c. Remove screws (9) and drum (10). Remove seal
Remove the reversing shaft in accordance with instruc-
(11) from the drum.